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Method and Steps

In the logic of a service of outsourcing ARTEMISIA places at the disposal of the client, without burdening its structure, professional skills and knowledge that will be remunerated exclusively depending on the results achieved, for a better guarantee of the objectives agreed and previously formalized in a mandate.

The activity of ARTEMISIA, modulated also on the necessary needs of financial communications, is composed of the following phases:

  • Elaboration of historical and prospective data, useful to reduce RATING and value of credit.
  • Sharing if the industrial and business plan to support the bancability of the investments and company prospect.
  • Study and Selection of the most suitable financial investment, also in conformity with a strategic plan.
  • Drawing up of an "INFORMATION MEMORANDUM", with all informative and evaluative magterial necessary to propose completely the company and its business.

The ability to catch the key factors for the good result of the operations allows to optimize the times of realization of the interventions, to coordinate as MAIN CONTRACTORS the negotiations with the partners detected and require a payment oriented to the commission of success.

The culture of service and attention translates into a subsequent constant follow-up through a system of monitoring designed to achieve that "approach" to the needs of the company that can open the way for new opportunities.

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Elaborates solutions for coverage of technical and strategic investments, for financial re-equilibrium and for the contribution of new venture capital.

Operating Strategy
Identifies the market with in the real needs of the clients to study and develop solutions that are not standardized.

Lines of credit in a consortium of banks - Financing at medium/long term - Financial and operating lease arrangements - Advances on credits.